Graphic Novel vs Movie

Despite the fact that the movie is very similar to the graphic novel, there are many differences between them. We thought that it would be interesting to compare those two creations. That is why we have listed some differences we have found ourselves and in different websites.

               The graphic novel                                            The movie

The leader of the Norsefire party is Adam Susan. He runs England with an iron fist and the assistance of a supercomputer known as Fate, whom he is secretly in love with.The leader is named Adam Sutler. 
There is no computer.

The fascist government is elected legally and kept in power through the general apathy of the public.The "St. Mary's virus," a biological 
weapon engineered and released by the 
Norsefire party as a means of clandestinely 
gaining control over their own country.

Both sides do bad things. The government as well as V are violent.It is more good guys (V) versus bad guys 

V removes his mask voluntarily and shows Surridge his face before she dies.No one ever sees his face.

Evey is 15 years old and very naive.She is a young woman in her twenties and is 
not naive.

Evey tries to prostitute herself for money, but solicits a Fingermen who wants to rape her as punishment. V saves her and takes her to watch the destruction of the Houses of Parliament.Evey works for a TV station and is out after 
curfew. She is spotted by the Fingermen and 
V rescues her. He takes her to watch the 
destruction of the Old Bailey.

After saving Evey from the Fingerman, he takes her back to his hideout.He releases her, and then takes her to the 
Shadow Gallery after she is knocked 
unconscious while helping him escape from the 
TV studio.

Lewis Prothero is called "The Voice of Fate" on his radio show.He is called "The Voice of London" on his TV

V stops a train carrying Prothero and kidnaps him. He is driven insane by a combination of an overdose of Batch 5 drugs and the shock of seeing his prized doll collection burned in a mock recreation of Camp Larkhill in V's headquarters. He remains incapacitated for the rest of the story.V goes to his house and kills him by lethal

Gordon is a criminal who hides Evey and has sex with her. He is murdered by a gangster.Gordon is Evey's boss at the TV station. He is 
gay. The government takes him and executes 
him for having a copy of the Quran.

V was given a drug called "Batch 5" while at Larkhill that gave him super strength and agility.There is no mention of him taking Batch 5

The year is 1997 and the world has suffered through nuclear war.It is 2020 and there was no nuclear blast, but 
Environmental issues.

Fitch goes to Larkhill and takes LSD to get into the mind of V.He visits Larkhill, but doesn't take any drugs.

The Leader, Adam Susan is assassinated by Rosemary Almond during a parade.Creedy produces and kills Sutler in exchange 
for V's surrender and to supplant Sutler as the 
leader of Norsefire.

Finch fatally shoots V, who dies in Evey's arms.V stages an amazing battle and defeats a 
dozen men with guns using only his signature 
knives. He is, however, mortally wounded in
the fight, and makes it back to Evey only to die 
in her arms

The Prime Minister's residence is the target of V's Viking Funeral. Evey puts his body on board the train with explosives. She then assumes the role of V, wearing his costume and mask.The Houses of Parliament are destroyed with V
 on the train, and Britain is left to ponder its 
future as thousands of people dressed in V's 
masks and cloaks watch the flames.

(We were inspired by this website : )

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